The Knock

Fish on lure

The “knock” is what we call the unmistakable bite from a kob (not to be confused with a “bump” which generally just describes a bite from a fish).  It happens in a heartbeat, one moment you are twitch retrieving your lure and then knock, knock, BOOM!

The knock usually happens when using the “bounce” retrieve and is generally felt on the rod lift. It feels remotely similar to a bite from a fish while using bait, but because you are bringing your lure closer while the bite is taking place,  the feeling is magnified. One knock is generally followed by another as the kob jostle over your lure. Be patient, the “on” is coming as you drop your lure back down again. More often than not you will feel your line go away and your reel begin to scream. If not, just continue with your retrieve because now you know the kob are there and you are bound to get an “on” sooner than later.

Once on with a kob, keep tension on your line and enjoy the big head shakes from your targeted specie.

It takes some experience and time spent fishing to distinguish between an actual knock and just hitting the bottom. A quick way to check is to cast in the same area and repeat your retrieve; if you are experiencing the same bump on about the same spot then you are probably just hitting some structure on the bottom. Don’t be to disheartened, structure attracts bait fish which are then in turn hunted by the game fish. This means you are fishing the right area!


Author: Rush of Blue

I am a passionate angler with a love for nature and the outdoors. My aim with this website is to contribute to the sustainability of our fish stocks through conservation and education.

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